
The British government said they will cut down on funds for those on benefits. I personally believe that most people on Job Seekers Allowance are doing everything they can to work and be independent, as I am. If the government is not providing the jobs that people need, how do they expect them to get off JSA. If the government is making life more difficult for this people, how do they expect them to survive?

These same people, are going to still pay tax into the system. They've got to remember these. So, what ever support the people on JSA are getting at the moment, they will pay back when they start working.

What the government need to focus on, I believe, is to look for ways to create more jobs and not assume that the private sector will create this jobs. If the government is laying off  thousands of people from their jobs, they got to remember that this people will have to claim JSA to sustain themselves and their families to survive and if they are making massive cut on this benefit, how do they expect them to live?

A sensible review needs to be made to reconsider their decisions and the effect it will have on people.

I do not know why people will want to stay on JSA when you can have a life full opportunities, self esteem, self worth and not only about money but satisfaction in knowing that you can feed yourself and family without handout. So, what am I saying, most people want their independent, make their own money, freedom to do whatever they want to do (not controlled by the system), etc, the list goes on.

I found the system controlling, you've to proof you're looking for work (fair enough) but I see it that I am been told what to do by someone that might not even be up to my standard because at the moment I am not given the chance to carter for myself. The way some of the Job Centre Plus Customer Advisor, talk to someone on JSA is like they are better than the person looking for job. However, they've forgotten that the same can happen to them, we shall see in the next few months to come. A notion "do unto others, what you want them to do to you" and "you can't throw a stone unto a glass house and still expect it not to break".

For those that are seeking for the freedom that comes with having your own thing, don't give up. Good things comes to those that wait and are patient. I know it's very hard when you have to face ridicule often from people at the Job Centre Plus, or even family ( as I am writing I am also encouraging myself), please don't give up nor rush to do anything.

I had a very bad experience of rushing because I want any job urgently and I would do anything to get it. I was offered a Home Care Worker job where you've to use your car to travel to the clients every day, the car has to be on business insurance and you've got to pay for CRB (criminal Record Bureau). I paid for the CRB and changed my car insurance to the business insurance with money I do not have. I started  going for the training, the people and management seems lovely and friendly. I was told I was only going to be paid for the training 3months after working for them. Although previously was told by the manager that I will not be paid for the training, I agreed because I was desperate for job. I later found out that other new starters are going to be paid for the training after 3 months of them starting the job with the Care company.

I went for shadowing the first time with one of the staff and I immediately knew there was a problem. I ask the lady how long she work for and how much she would be paid. She told me for example if she starts at 7am in the morning and finished 10pm at night, then she would be paid around 8 hours shifts. Wow, I thought to myself, is these really what I want? I would end up not having life at all because I want a job badly.

I continue to go for the shadowing, however, the third person I went with this time told me the truth about the Care company. She said "she was going to leave them and was just waiting for her NVQ, they do not pay for your time, you only get paid the time you go into the client home (most of the time 15mins at each clients home) and the travelling time is not included, you've to pay for your petrol, out of what you're paid which is around £1.50 for 15mins, the company also does not care about their staff, they treat their staff as a slave (you've got to do a shift whether you're available or not, whether you're sick or not), basically without their staff conceit and worse, the company is very disorganised". What I also found out about this company is that they are ever looking for staff because they cannot keep the ones they have when they are been treated badly.
So, you're only paid about 50% of your time and the remaining 50%, you're on the road and the question is will you still go ahead and put your head into a job like that? Make your decision.

All am saying is, yes you need a job to survive but at the end you don't want a job that will make you end up in the hospital or ................... it about balance in life.

My advice, just continue to apply, hope for the best and don't lose hope. It will be definitely come.